How to Photograph Shapes Instead of Landscapes

By nancie

I believe that the three biggest concepts in photography are gear, composition, and post-processing. The smallest of those three is gear, the second smallest is post-processing, and the one that is most essential is composition. If I had to attach percentages to them, it would go like this:

  • Gear: 10%
  • Composition: 65%
  • Post Processing: 25%

Your photography gear won’t make your photographs better just because you spent more money on it than your previous camera body or lens. Your post-processing won’t make a bad photograph great no matter how many layers or sliders you apply to it.

A healthy composition is the glue to any great photograph. With a great composition, a photograph is anchored to quality. Without one, the photograph never comes together properly and eventually falls apart.

Now, we all know about the strategies to creating some fantastic compositions; rule of thirdsforegroundsleading lines, and the list goes on. You can certainly achieve some fantastic photographs following those rules, but until you truly understand what you’re putting together, you won’t have the complete grasp on what is making up your photograph.....